This new service was launched recently by betamax or their affiliated company but no mention of betamax on their website. All their services and conditions are just exactly what we are all used to from betamax products like voipbuster, voipcheap etc. Maybe betamax is feeling the heat from complaints about their unethical business methods and therefore decided to launch this product as another company.
Anyway, Voipax is a voip application that lets you send sms and make calls to about 40 countries worldwide for free. The rates for other destinations are quite low too. There are several ways to use voipax, you can download and install the voipax application on your system and make calls with it using your headset or bluetooth earpiece or you can use the Phone-2-Phone features which let you enter your telephone number and the number you want to call and connect both numbers or finally you can configure voipax on your SIP based IP Phone and call directly from it. Whichever way you choose to use voipax you will get very good audio quality and quick call connection.
There are some limitations to using voipax, you have to buy a credit of at least 10 euros for you to enjoy the free calls. Once you have some credit on your account you can call up to 300 minutes per week free for 120 days and you can send 10 free sms per week too. If you have used any of betamax products before then you allready know these conditions by now.
For more information and to download voipax visit www.voipax.com.
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