IPVaani is all set to launch a Video Phone Service to expand their reach as complete VOIP Provider. IPVaani already offers a Peer to peer IP based VOIP service which is widely used across the world.
IPVaani now adding a free VoIP phone service called IPDarshan. Using IPdarshan video phone service, subscribers can make and receive unlimited Free video phone calls
across the globe. IPdarshan video phone service delivers high-quality, full-motion video and audio over any broadband (Cable or DSL) Internet connection. We believe the internet speed should be minimum 512 Kbps without any packet loss for a good video quality.
IPDarshan doesn't need any setup and it has no monthly charges. There is however a one time price of $299.
As you may already know, IPVanni only offers Peer to Peer service that means its only within their network. IP to IP based services only work within the network, that means you can only call or video call with another IPVaani or IPDarshan uses. The Good thing however is you can take your phone with you anywhere in the world and use it. It carries the number with itself, its like any other SIP Phone.
IPDarshan like IPvanni comes with almost all important features of a VOIP service or a Video conference service.
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