Thursday, May 14, 2009
Video Phone Service by Ipvaani
IPVaani now adding a free VoIP phone service called IPDarshan. Using IPdarshan video phone service, subscribers can make and receive unlimited Free video phone calls
across the globe. IPdarshan video phone service delivers high-quality, full-motion video and audio over any broadband (Cable or DSL) Internet connection. We believe the internet speed should be minimum 512 Kbps without any packet loss for a good video quality.
IPDarshan doesn't need any setup and it has no monthly charges. There is however a one time price of $299.
As you may already know, IPVanni only offers Peer to Peer service that means its only within their network. IP to IP based services only work within the network, that means you can only call or video call with another IPVaani or IPDarshan uses. The Good thing however is you can take your phone with you anywhere in the world and use it. It carries the number with itself, its like any other SIP Phone.
IPDarshan like IPvanni comes with almost all important features of a VOIP service or a Video conference service.
MBARQ has launched EMBARQ Managed IP Telephony service
“Unmanaged growth could result in problems with speed, throughput, response time and other issues causing jitter and latency,” said Susan McQueeny-Scholes, Director of Marketing Communications for EMBARQ Business. “Allowing EMBARQ to take care of these issues can help businesses focus on their core competencies while lowering their costs and needs for internal support.”
Here’s the detes of what EMBARQ offers:
EMBARQ(R) MIPT service provides life-cycle support for day-to-day management and monitoring and offers two levels of protection to match the evolving needs of a customer’s enterprise.
Monitoring and Alerting Service
24×7x365 device monitoring
Remote diagnostics and minor remote repairs
Help desk support with 24×7 live response
Notification of events through phone, e-mail or both
Up/down and ticket status
Monthly traffic and alarm activity reporting
Comprehensive Services
Includes all Monitoring and Alerting Services plus:
Design and engineering assistance
Project implementation
Assigned technical engineer
Proactive management of alarm monitoring, notification and escalation
Software management services, including annual major software updates
On-demand business management reporting through a secure Web portal.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Ringomax another voip provider in UAE
The new UAE voip comapny name is
Ringomax is very Simple and easy to use. The Ringomax website offer money back garuntee to work with you and Saying this voip will work in UAE like Dubai,Abu Dhabi, Sharjah Etc.Regarding the voip guarantee they are saying Ringomax gives Money Back garuntee for voice Clarity. They assure that they are not using any Grey and Standard Routes for voice like other voip providers ,and they use Premium Routes which gives Money back garuntee for voice Quality.
To use ringo max you have to download the ringomax dialer from there website and register a user name and password. You can recharge your voip account in UAE by credit card or by a Reseller.They says there is no Hidden charges or hidden Fees. You can Check each second call details from your Account control panel
FRee calling to india by voxofon
Voxofon offers free trial calls to a few destinations including India. That’s where you can actually use this free calling hack.
It asks for your phone number and the party’s number to dial. Se below picture.
Now the real hack begins here, The idea is to use more digits than your phone number. USA to India free trial call is only for 1 minute but with additonal number combination you can do as many calls as you want. Use your imagination.
Take Example:
First Call: USA number: + 18888888888 and India Number: +912225999999
Talk for 1 minute.
Second Call: Add any digit at the end of the number. USA number: + 188888888889. Don’t change India number. So now you have a new combination, Voxofon system won’t recognize that this is the same number and will let you make another call.
This way you can repeat as many numbers as you want. It really depends on how many numbers you can add after your phone number. At this time, you can add almost infinite. So Imagine, how many combinations you can make out of this.
For certain countries, the per call limit is higher than 1 minute, so you can expect to talk for long.
TalkTalk free phone calls from May onwards
TalkTalk will also be offering free calls to all 0845 and 0870 numbers from 2 June. The results and graphs have shown that about 70% of calls made in UK are local and telecom providers want to cash on this. So it is a great option to attract customers by providing them free local calls.
To make up for its cost, Taktalk has increased its standard line rental charges to GBP 11.25 a month. This will be effective from mid April.
Lets see what i offers..
VOIPax offering calls at 1 cents
VOIPax has introduced a new VOIP service called Voipian, which claims to offers 1 cent per call. Please read this again, its 1 cent per call not per minute. This deal is available during Voipian's beta test phase, which does not have any specific end date.
Voipian will offer cheap calls to following destinations at 1 cent per call:
Brazil Rio De Janeiro
Brazil Sao Paolo
Brunei Darussalam
Canada (+mobile)
Czech Republic
Hong Kong (+mobile)
Korea South
New Zealand
Peru Lima
Puerto Rico (+mobile)
Russia Moscow
Russia St.Petersburg
United Kingdom
United States (+mobile)
Its good to see countries like Malaysia and Brazil are offered at 1 cent per call.
Voipian offers SIP supports, that means you can use Voipian through your SIP Phone, VOIP Adapter or SIP Softphone such as X-lite.
Voipian SIP Details:
Phone Number: Enter your (home) phone number.
User name: Enter your Voipian username here.
Password: Enter your Voipian password here.
If you do not have your own SIP setup, you can always opt for Voipian Softphone.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Reliable offering cheap call rates to india
Just like AirtelCallhome and Reliance India Call, Reliable Calling is offering 1 cent per minute calls to India. Reliable calling works just like other calling card providers like Airtel, Reliance, Trueroots. These are Phone to Phone calls which can be made dialing the toll free access number or the local access numbers.
Lets talk about the Calling plans offered by Reliable Calling.
Monthly Plan
The Monthly Plan is an exclusive offer where you can enjoy great Talk time for a period of 30 days. Subscribe to this plan with $9.99 which includes rental charges of $3.99, for the remaining $ 6, you get 600 mins at 1cent/min using local access number and 260 mins using Toll Free access number. Effective rate comes down to just 1.6 cents per minute (and this is Phone to Phone calling rates).
Refunds: No refund of talk time value, rental or plan value will be entertained under any circumstances.
Any talk time value left after expiry of validity will be automatically forfeited.
FortNight Plan
The Fortnight Plan is an exclusive offer where you can enjoy great Talk time for a period of 14 days. Subscribe to this plan with $7.99 which includes rental charges of $3.99, for the remaining $ 4, you get 400 mins at 1cent/min using local access number and 200 mins using Toll Free access number.
The calling rate to India in both the plans is 1 cent per minute however the effective calling rate is bit high (though the effective rate is also not much).
Some other features of Reliable Calling.
Your Call is routed to India using ILD providers.
Your caller id will be passed to the destination phone in India.
Lowest calling rate in the Industry
Quality calling at most competitive rates with no hidden cost
60 seconds rounding
No Connection Fees
Monday, April 27, 2009
Unlimited calls to landlines and cell phones by Betamax
Lets leave that apart for now and look at what Telbo can offer. Telbo is mainly a unlimited VOIP service as they claim to offer unlimited calls from $1.00 onwards.
Telbo offers 2 packages,
1) Unlimited US & Canada: Unlimited calls to landlines and cell phones in the US and Canada for $1 per month. You can also call Guam and Puerto rico. The 3 and 12 months subscriptions also include a little credit so you can reach people outside of your subscription.
2) Unlimited World package: Unlimited calls to landlines in 36 countries worldwide. This does not include countries like India or Pakistan. Again, 3 and 12 month subscriptions plans are available.
You can always use Telbo to make calls at extremely competitive calling rates. Telbo charges 2 cents per minute to India.
As usual, Telbo comes with a FUP (Fair Usage Policy). We analysed some important points:
a) Calls to phones and mobiles are included in your subscription subject to a fair usage limit of 10,000 minutes per user per month, with a maximum of 6 hours per day.
b)no more than 50 different numbers in total can be called per day.
c) Once these limits are exceeded Telbo will charge normal rates and a connection fee for any additional minutes used.
10000 minutes per month in our opinion is a fair plan, which comes to more than 300 minutes per day.
How to use Telbo:
You can make calls using various methods such as Local access numbers, Phone to Phone. Unfortunately, Telbo doesn't offer SIP based VOIP service as their website doesn't provide any instruction to use SIP. however, if you ping it does give a response, so this could be working?
All we can say is $1 for 10000 minutes to USA/Canada is a good deal. $5.95 to 36 countries is definitely a good deal. The choice is yours.
If you are using Telbo VOIP service, do let everyone know your feedback and comments on Telbo.
3UK Launches SIM Card For Free Skype
3UK CEO Kevin Russell said: “We believe that, once you come to 3 and use Skype, you will use other services on 3…We are targeting anyone who uses Skype today”. Many other telcos are banning Skype on their service, not agreeing with the argument that offering free or extremely cheap commoditized services will let companies profit from selling more valuable services—it will be interesting to see how 3 goes. Russell said that free Skype calls would help 3 differentiate the brand and the data traffic used would not be “significant relative to the investments [3 is] already making in mobile broadband”.
IDC analyst John Delaney gave some quotes at the briefing, saying that Skype calls would be unlikely to cannibalise voice revenue until the number of Skype-supporting phones increased significantly: “I’m pretty certain that most Skype calls at the moment go to PCs, so that doesn’t cannibalise voice revenues,” Delaney said. “As long as the user base remains relatively small, that makes sense [for 3].” Which is kind of like saying the service is great as long as it’s not successful. He didn’t think the Skype SIM card would entice people away from their current operators (why swap to 3 when you already get the free Skype?), but I think if people come to see the free Skype as a useful thing to have they may consider switching to 3 to avoid having to swap SIMs. Still, I agree with this Delaney comment: “The biggest benefit for 3 in all this is pissing other operators off”.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
IS-VoIS better and cheaper than Skype
"The softphone connects to a corporate account and therefore incurs local corporate VoIP rates, even if the user is overseas. This has a huge cost implication for businesses that either deal with international clients or who have a workforce that travels extensively. Local telecommuters will enjoy this service too," said Greg Hatfield, VoIS Business Unit Manager at IS.
A question mark hung over whether IS's solution could compete effectively on price when compared to services such as Skype, but feedback from IS suggests that its VoIP product is certainly much cheaper than many current competitors.
"VoIS Anywhere is significantly cheaper than Skype. Skype charges €0.055 (approx. R0.68 excl. VAT) to call an SA fixed line destination, whereas the VoIS Anywhere rates range from approximately R0.35 to R0.55, depending on the destination called," says Hatfield.
"Skype's rate to a mobile phone is €0.189 (approxomately R2.30 excluding VAT), whereas the VoIS Anywhere rate starts at R1.25. Aside from Skype-to-Skype calls which are obviously free, their off-net prices are exorbitant."
Hatfield points out that the service is part of "the corporate bundle", which means that discounts on call rates apply based on total company usage volumes. "With Skype there is no room to negotiate - you are treated as an individual," said Hatfield.
Better usability
Hatfield points out that the difference between VoIS Anywhere and Skype is not only focused on the cost of the call, but also on the ease of use and administration. "The VoIS Anywhere software is treated as an extension of the corporate office, and as such it is billed as part of the integrated voice and data invoicing that IS provides."
"With Skype, users have to pre-pay for airtime with their own credit card online, and then submit expense claims for their usage a month later, and probably only receive their reimbursement a month after that. Skype's fixed monthly subscription service is not available in South Africa."
According to Hatfield Skype is a consumer service while VoIS Anywhere is a corporate service in "its technical design, its pricing, and critically, the service wrap."
The initial software cost starts at R250 per client, but this price drops rapidly based on the number of licenses purchased, usage volumes, and corporate discounts. "Even without discounts, R250 is rapidly recovered out of the savings on the minutes," says Hatfield.
vodafone-cheap calls to romania
Vodafone Romania has had a price cut on the international tariff by 27%.
Vodafone prepay users can now make international calls to European fixed networks as well as Vodafone mobile networks and partner mobile networks at EUR 0.40 per minute, down 27 percent from the previous price of EUR 0.55 per minute.
Vodafone has also launched its plan named Vodafone Europa, enabling prepay customers to make international calls to other Vodafone customers across Europe, as well as to Vodafone partner mobile networks and European fixed networks for a reduced tariff of EUR 0.18, versus the previous price of EUR 0.24 per minute.
Truphone-Free Mobile VOIP Service
If you don't know what TruPhone is, its basically a Mobile VOIP Service that means you need to have a Mobile which supports Wifi and SIP. Truphone also works over GPRS, but the call quality could be poor due to lack of bandwidth. Most latest Mobile Phones supports SIP and Wifi, mostly all N and E series Nokia phones do support SIP and VOIP Calling.
TruPhone's TruUnlimited Landline package starts at $17, however it does not include all the countries and calls are restricted to Landlines only. Don't worry, They also have a TruUnlimited Mobile package which offers unlimited calls to landlines + Mobiles in all the countries including India and most other asian countries.
You have two options to choose from:
TruUnlimited Landlines ($17)
Unlimited calls to landlines* in 38 countries worldwide. Call any time of the day, any day of the week. No long-term contract. Also includes unlimited calls to mobiles in 9 countries including the USA and China as a bonus!
TruUnlimited Mobiles ($40)
Along with unlimited calls to landlines* this plan includes unlimited calls to mobiles* in 69 countries, including the USA, the UK, Germany and China. Call any time of the day, any day of the week. No long-term contract.
How can i use TruPhone in my country?
Well there are mainly 4 ways to use TruPhone:
1) Truphone over Wifi- If you are in USA, Singapore, UK or most part of europe, you would find ample number of Wifi hotspots to connect to. This should be your preferred choice. Wifi is often Free, if not then cheap.
2) Truphone over 3G- 3G would be almost equivalent in call quality as Wifi. However, 3g data usage can make you poor overnight. 3G data cost in many countries are way high, so unless you have a unlimited 3G data package don't go for this option.
3) Truphone over GPRS: GPRS is poor man's wifi, especially in India where Wifi and 3G is not existent. Truphone works over GPRS, but no guarantee than you would hear the other party clearly and vice versa :-)
4) Truphone Anywhere: You have no option to call, no wifi, no 3G, no GPRS, nada nothing. What will you do? you can use Truphone anywhere. it Works seamlessly in the background, If you dial an international number, the call is redirected at the handset to a Truphone access number in your country, which connects to truphone server which in turn automatically completes your call to the international destination.
What you pay for
* Domestic rate GSM call to Truphone server in your home country.
(Please note that data connections will be needed for iPhone and BlackBerry)
* Low cost Truphone call to your international destination.
Does truphone cap number of minutes or per month call usage?
Yes, like everyone else. Truphone has Fair usage policy. You can make maximum 3,000 minutes call per month and all calls are subject to 60 minute call duration. If you consider, paying $40 for 3000 minutes, it works out to 1.3 cents per minute which is a good rate for calling India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.
If you signup for this package, do let us know your feedback so it helps everyone to make a decision. We are really excited to see mainstream VOIP Companies offering rock bottom prices for asian countries and making VOIP cheaper than traditional phones lines.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Aircel to hit Indian markets
Malaysian based Maxis group is investing its money in Aircel (its vehicle here). Maxis has plans of launching it 3G services in India. Its a good plan to first get hold into the market and then expand.
Today, the TV advertisements, Newspaper ads are full of Aircel. This clearly shows how much importance they are giving to publicity.
Maxis will bid in the 3G autions as they see lot of potential in Indian 3G market. Aircel has launched its plans in Delhi with very cheap rates.
Aircel has very cheap calling plans and will surely make other providers to lower their call rates. Apart from rates, Aircel also offers many other features. We will soon cover a post talking about various calling plans and rates offered by Aircel.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Google blocks popular iPhone SMS app
But the company stopped sales of the app on Monday after Google notified it that the program would be blocked, Inner Fence said.
"Google has claimed no grievance with Infinite SMS other than its success. Their given reason for the block isn’t abuse or wrongdoing; it’s that we brought too many users (and thus too much cost) to an experimental service," Inner Fence said.
The company said it built the application using an open protocol made available by Google for just such a purpose. "We never could have guessed that the two of us would write an app too big for Google," the company's founders said.
Google said it would continue to offer free SMS through Google Talk, but it will block Infinite SMS and other non-Google clients that use the service to deliver text messages starting on Wednesday.
"Infinite SMS is a third party app that has been using Google technology to provide free SMS to users, while we were paying for the cost of the text messages," a Google spokesman said via e-mail.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This is where your Mobile phone comes handy. How about if you get the Stock updates absolutely free and that too delivered to your mobile phone as a SMS, quite similar to service of getting cricket score updates sms. I have prepared a list of 5 providers giving this free stock alerttips sms service.
1. Mytoday Stock and Sensex updates -: Mytoday service is really great and my favorite. To start receiving Sensex updates send SMS "START SENSEX
* You only pay upto three rupees once for sending the START / STOP sms.
(Charges applicable as per your operator)
* All daily incoming SMS thereafter are Free. Your mobile number will not be divulged to third parties. This service is for Indian residents only.
*To stop an update, sms STOP
2. SMS “JOIN STOCKLINE” to “567673434” - You will be charged about Rs 3 by your mobile operator. (It actually depends on your provider, so please confirm this first from customer service).
3. SMS "JOIN FREESTOCKIDEA" to "567678".
4. To receive free SMS on stocksnews, send “SUB STOCKNEWS” to 67673434.
5. Indiatimes free sms alert service -: Indiatimes send the latest news and stock tips to your mobile phone. To receive business news send sms "NEWS BIZ" to 58888.
To get stock update of a particular stock. Suppose to get Reliance stock price SMS "STO RIL" to 58888.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Skype has finally released SILK
Skype has finally released SILK, a New Skype-designed and developed default audio codec for all Skype-to-Skype calls. SILK is currently used in the latest version of Skype. If you don't have latest skype version, I strongly suggest you download one, its way better than older version and has superior audio quality.
Skype claims that with SILK, a super wideband audio codec it redefines the entire VOIP market by giving the best audio quality on VOIP calls with almost 50% less bandwidth usage.
What did they achieve with SILK codec:
-improved audio bandwidth going from 8 kHz to 12 kHz, meaning that a SILK conversation sounds like you are in the same room as the person you are speaking with. SILK can go upto 24 Khz.
-provides real-time bandwidth scalability to deal with degraded network conditions
-balancing codec optimization between voice, music and background noise, each of which can have an impact on the overall user experience.
-delivering a robust solution that delivers a more consistent audio experience, regardless of network conditions and an individual user’s voice signature
Skype is now expecting that industry and third party application developers will adopt SILK as a standard in wideband audio. SiLK is available for FREE. It would be interesting to see SILK adoption with Trixbox, Asterix and the likes with wideband hitting the entire VOIP world.
Nokia Looking for 3G
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Nymgo offering cheap calling packages allover
Nymgo offers unlimited calling packages and Pay as you go plan.(cheap calls to India under pay as you go plan).
However, the world package offered by Nymgo is remained undiscussed on many voip blogs.
In Nymgo World package, by paying just $14.99 you get 10000 minutes of talktime to landlines in following countries.
Countries list
Canada (Landline and mobile)
USA (Landline and mobile)
I guess this package is also very good for people who run a international business matching the need to call various countries under one plan. We have already discussed about using Nymgo Pc to Phone calling service as well as making voip Phone to Phone calls using SIP.
The effective rate under this plan comes to just .14 cents per minutes (hey its 1.49 cents its 0.149 cents .
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Free Conference call service for all
Plz giv ur comments Announces Free International Calls to BT Customers, provider of VOIP, telephone and virtual phone card services to small businesses and residential customers in the UK, are to open up a new access number in the 0870 range, in conjunction with the BT announcement.
This will allow all their customers to benefit from free international calls to many destinations previously costing up to 5p/minute, including the USA, Canada, Sweden, Poland, Brazil and India.
To help its customers, have set up a dedicated online page for BT customers wishing to take advantage of free international calling. The website address is:
Click here
UK customers that have a BT land-line can on the URL above find an automatic price tool, incorporating all the free destinations available. The price tool also uniquely features the local time and time zone tool and the country calling code tool.
Unlimited Voip Service for Nepal
Friday, February 13, 2009
MTNL Launches JAADU : India's first 3G service in Delhi
The newly launched India's first 3G service in Delhi is - MTNL Jaadu.
MTNL has launched its 3G service in Delhi and has named it Jaadu. With the launch it has become the first telecom operator in the country to launch third generation (3G) mobile services. But the service is on the expensive side as mobile users in Delhi will have to pay a one-time fee of Rs 500 as activation charges and a monthly rental of Rs 599.
Apart from this monthly rental, mobile users would have to pay for their phone calls.
For Voice calls -
From MTNL mobile to other network - Rs 1/min.
From MTNL network to MTNL network - Rs .60/min.
For video calls -: MTNL charges vary between Rs 3 and Rs 1.80 a minute.
Customers can also get video streaming applications such as “Live TV”, movie downloads on their mobile handsets. Subscribers will have to pay Rs 5 for each MB download. For using 3G service in your mobile, you only require a 3G enabled handset. (I guess many of you must be having it).
Now talking about the Voip part in the launched 3G service. One will be able to use voip for making cheap international phone calls. MTNL is charging Rs 3/minute from mobiles to more than 100 countries including Europe, the US and Canada. In comparison, international calls on private operators’ network costs about Rs 6 a minute. MTNL is able to offer lower tariffs because it routes the call through the Internet network.
Well the calling rates for both video calls, and international phone calls using voip ae not at all cheap. We have blogged about so many voip providers offering free calls to those 100 countries including Europe, the US and Canada.
I guess at present, if you are willing to spend this much money then you can opt fo MTNL 3G service but if you can wait for sometime then you would be getting much cheaper services. (When more 3G providers comes to market). Till then better make use of our Free PC to Phone calling ways to free international phone calls.
Please post your queries about 3G service or any other, we will be more willing to answer all your problems.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Call Free to India using IPvaani Service
Computer not required for making free calls. Just you need Internet broadband connection, normal phone and IPvaani adapter at both ends. No monthly or hidden charges.
People in abroad use "Calling cards" to make phone calls to India. But parents in India may not know how to use "Calling Cards" or other free services using computer. But WITH IPvaani phone service, parents in India can call to abroad and they can stay connected like a land line phone. IPvaani voice clarity is very good compared with calling cards.
Even you can make free phone calls using computer and any VoIP software like Yahoo voice chat, Google talk, and Skype.
But for parents in India it may be difficult to use PC, mike, software, and headset. But to use IPvaani service computer not at all required.
making phone calls using IPvaani is as simple as making call using land line phone.
There are many options available in market, but they have different plans like monthly charges or per minute cost. Best part of IPvaani is no monthly charges or hidden charges for service.
In addition, there is another big misconception in India about VoIP-many people believe it is illegal. However, that's not the case. The Indian Government deregulated Internet telephony more than four years back. Currently, the Department of Telecom ( DoT ) allows IP telephony within a Closed User Group ( CUG ) like IPvaani.
IPvaani is growing at a fast rate. In fact, majority of the Indian families are using IPvaani service in USA, UK, Canada and Australia, to talk with their friends and families in India. Find out how you can make free calls at and find out what you've been missing
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
SkyWi, Inc. Announces Intent to Sell VoIP Operations to Telekenex
The objective of this transaction is to take SkyWi's and One Connect IP's valued customers out of the middle of the conflict between SkyWi and Qwest that has resulted in significant service disruptions. Telekenex is on the New Mexico PRC's agenda in Santa Fe on Thursday February 5, 2009 to describe the plan and to request the PRC's assistance in ensuring a quick and orderly transition to the Telekenex network without any additional service disruptions. The companies plan on closing the sale quickly upon receiving satisfactory assurances that the customers' continuity will be supported by the PRC on Thursday, and that Qwest will work with Telekenex and SkyWi to complete a timely transition of service to Telekenex's network and systems without any further disconnections during that period.
SkyWi and Telekenex have planned a seamless transition that will provide customers with more services over a larger national footprint without any loss of current functional capabilities. "Our only concern is through the next 30-45 day transition period that Qwest will allow for and help facilitate in good faith a timely transfer of underlying physical circuits without damaging our customers' communications connectivity," said SkyWi CEO Allen Witters. "SkyWi regrets exiting a business we have invested millions of dollars in, but this transaction will protect our customers," Mr. Witters went on to say. Anthony Zabit, founder and COO at Telekenex commented, "It's very unfortunate that the business conflicts between Qwest and SkyWi have resulted in severe disruptions in service for thousands of people in New Mexico, Utah and Idaho, but at Telekenex we are excited about the opportunity to further expand our customer base and are prepared to commit all our resources and experience to removing all the customers from this conflict by managing a quick and seamless transition to our network."
Now Satelite Internet in Afganistan and Iraq by TS2 Satelite Technologies
To the soldiers stationed in the war-torn countries, one VSAT access point provides broadband access to the internet; telephone connections including voice over internet protocol (VoIP), IP phone and video-conference connections. In addition, soldiers can also transfer data to many other users simultaneously and share connections with others stationed in the same base. TS2 additionally equips its customers with Thuraya, Iridium and Inmarsat satellite telephones, which are often the only means of communication in this region of the world.
TS2's satellite military networks are located in Al Taqaddum Air Base, Bahgram AF, Balad Base, Baquba Airfield, Brassfield-Mora, Cob Adder, Cob Speicher, Camp Al Asad Airbase, Camp Bucca Basra City, Camp Buehring, Camp Charlie Basra, Camp Eggers, Camp Fallujah, Camp Grizzly, Camp Korean Village, Camp Liberty, Camp Mejid, Camp Ramadi, Camp Slayer, Camp Stryker, Camp Taji, Camp Victory, Fob Bagram, Fob Brassfield Mora, Fob Delta Al Kut, Fob Diamondback, Fob Falcon, Fob Garryowen, Fob Gardez, Fob Ghazni, Fob Kalagush, Fob Kandahar, Fob Lagman, Fob Mchenry, Fob Marez, Fob Normandy, Fob Rustamiyah, Fob Summerall, Fob Sykes, Fob Salerno, Fob Torkham, Fob Warhorse, Fob Warrior, Herat RTC, Jallahabad Air Base, Kabul Airport, Kabul Camp Eggers, Kandahar Air Base, Lsa Anaconda Balad, Q-West Base Complex and Tallil Ab Lsa Adder.
TS2 Satellite Technologies and Polish branch TS2 Technologie Satelitarne ( specialize in providing global satellite access services. The most significant clients of TS2 include: the United States Marine Corps (USMC), the United States Army Corps of Engineers and Australian Defense Forces (ADF).
Orange Deploys SuccessFactors to 13,000 Employees in the UK
Workforce Management: At the Heart of the Contact Center Learn more, download free white paper.
The Modern Contact Center and Workforce Management�s Vital Role Learn more, download free white paper.
Realizing the Full Promise of Workforce Management Technology: Avoiding Mistakes That Short-Change Your Investment Learn more, download free white paper.
SIP Conferencing/Collaboration Learn more, download free white paper.
France Telecom, one of the world's leading telecommunications operators, serves more than 177 million customers worldwide in five continents, of which two-thirds are Orange customers. With revenues of �52.9 billion in 2007, 117.6 million mobile customers, and more than 12 million broadband internet (ADSL) customers, the Group is ranked number three in Europe for mobile; number one in Europe for ADSL broadband internet; number one in Europe for IP telephony; and number one in Europe for ADSL TV.
"Everybody uses the SuccessFactors system from the CEO and senior management down," said Karen Gusterson, Head of Managed Services for Orange. "It is not just an extra step in the process, it is the process. We're using SuccessFactors extensively for employee performance reporting and calibration purposes, as well as helping to drive salary reviews and develop career plans for staff. It's really important for us to notice our rising stars and help develop talent internally. Telecommunications is one of the most rapidly changing industries there is. So that we can be nimble in this environment, we need the ability to communicate and cascade updated goals throughout the organization as we adjust strategy over time. The strategic initiatives that SuccessFactors enables are board-sponsored, and the performance-related conversations the solution supports are vital to ensuring we remain aligned as a business."
Monday, February 2, 2009
Free Services To Track Phone Number And Get Geographic Location
If you are searching a USA phone number, 411 would be the best option to get complete address information retrieval using the phone number, in addition to free reverse phone lookup, 411 also offers People Search,Yellow Pages and reverse address lookup services without any cost.

However, if you are looking for an
International Numbering Plans is one such free service offering accurate phone to location and network information retrieval for landline and
Avaya Procurve Deal
"Through our strategic alliance with HP and the HP ProCurve Open Network Ecosystem, enterprises, branch and mid-size customers can reap the benefits of easy-to-deploy, fully-integrated IP networking and Unified Communications solutions," said Dr. Alan Baratz, senior vice president and president, Global Communications Solutions, Avaya. "Our current record of success with existing customers is just the beginning of what will become many advances in both technology and go-to-market business models as we move forward."
Through the HP ProCurve ONE program, Avaya Communication Manager IP telephony software has been tested and certified for interoperability with the HP ProCurve line of products. Today at live events around the globe, Avaya and HP ProCurve are demonstrating Avaya Communication Manager software and UC applications running on the new HP ProCurve ONE Services zl Module, which was also announced today.
"To help customers address the increased pace of change within their businesses, HP ProCurve is combining its own technology with some of the most innovative, respected and visionary companies in the world," said Marius Haas, senior vice president and general manager, HP ProCurve. "Global businesses are just beginning to reap the benefits from an HP ProCurve collaboration with Avaya that provides them with integrated design, implementation and support services."
HP ProCurve previously announced compliance with the Avaya DevConnect developer program for the HP ProCurve 5400zl, 3500yl and 2600 Series switches. This successful compliance testing demonstrates the ability of HP ProCurve technology to provide a flexible and standards-based solution to optimize customer deployment of Unified Communications and IP Telephony solutions. These solutions are designed to meet the top customer needs of accelerating growth, lowering costs and mitigating risks.
Avaya Unified Communications and HP ProCurve solutions are already providing customers with a number of benefits. For example, the sixth largest K-12 school district in the U.S. is building their convergence platform for the future based on Avaya and HP ProCurve solutions. Broward County Public Schools in Florida is in the process of converting the first 55 of their 250 schools to new Avaya Communication Manager IP telephony software and HP ProCurve switches.
"From the start, we saw clear evidence of the commitment between HP and Avaya to do things right," said Doug Pearce, district network coordinator, Broward County Public Schools. "We’re confident that HP and Avaya will take us in the direction we want to go with a highly reliable solution, cost-effective pricing and the functionality we need. There's definite recognition of the strength of these two companies and their close cooperation. It's on our roadmap to stick with HP and Avaya."
In addition, Avaya and HP have several mutual, authorized channel partners already knowledgeable about the benefits and requirements of a joint solution from Avaya and HP ProCurve. One such channel partner is Altura Communication Solutions, a Platinum-certified Avaya BusinessPartner and authorized HP ProCurve channel reseller with experience in joint sales and implementations.
"The solutions from Avaya and HP ProCurve provide our customers a true value differentiation. The HP ProCurve solution is more affordable and has their industry-leading warranty. We have a customer that has implemented over 1500 Avaya IP phones over an HP data network that is working flawlessly," said Mark Izumi, director of sales and marketing for Altura Communication Solutions.
Low cost Voip Chips Issues over Performance
PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., Feb. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Adaptive Digital Technologies (Adaptive Digital), a leading provider of telecom and Voice over IP (VoIP) digital signal processing (DSP) software solutions and voice quality enhancing algorithms, today announced the availability of its complete suite of application-specific VoIP chips.
All these chips combine Adaptive Digital's field-proven DSP software with Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) high performance fixed-point TMS320C64x+(TM) DSPs.
The feature rich VoIP chips include all of the telephony, signaling, tone and voice processing (codecs) necessary to each VoIP application, enabling equipment manufacturers to develop products quickly and cost-effectively.
Targeted VoIP applications include:
IP Gateway/PBX
Echo Cancellation (EC)/Packet EC
GSM/ITU - Wireless Voice Transcoding
High-Density Conferencing
Each application is hosted on select TI DSPs ranging from the very low cost TMS320C6424 to cover the lower density voice applications to the high performance TMS320C6455 to cover the higher density voice applications.
OEMs and ODMs who develop sophisticated voice-centric applications find our solutions easy to integrate and well optimized for their requirements. Many manufacturers have developed and deployed their products within a short time frame, allowing these manufacturers to attain a competitive advantage.
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Adaptive Digital's VoIP chips address critical performance issues such as echo, latency, and packet loss, greatly reducing the impact of these impairments.
The inclusion of Adaptive Digital's AT&T certified "carrier grade" G.168 Plus(TM) packet echo canceller, which has the unique ability to handle round-trip delays of up to 512 milliseconds coupled with a built-in awareness and handling of packet-loss, makes the VoIP suite unparalleled in quality.
The availability of these integration-ready VoIP chips brings together a winning combination of TI's high performance silicon and Adaptive Digital's field proven high quality software. The VoIP chips are based upon Adaptive Digital's proven voice quality software running on TI's high performance C6424, TMS320C6452, and C6455 devices.
Customization is often very important to equipment manufacturers who wish to differentiate their products by incorporating features that are not available in competing products. Should modifications be necessary for your project, Adaptive Digital can customize a solution to fit your specific requirements.
Additionally, for those who prefer in-house product development, source code is available, encouraged, and supported. While other VoIP chip manufacturers do not allow customers to access source code for the purpose of customization, Adaptive Digital recognizes that one size does not fit all. By providing the source code option, Adaptive Digital empowers the manufacturer to customize, innovate and excel in the marketplace.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
ebay will Sell Skype
eBay's chief executive, John Donahoe, has done nothing to ease expectations of a sell-off. Last week he told analysts that "synergies between Skype and the other parts of our portfolio are minimal" and that it is "a great standalone business".
This follows his comments early last year when he said the company would be reassessed and sold if it did not benefit eBay or Skype.
Analysts point to the lack of a logical integration between the telephony service and the auction site.
Names being touted as potential buyers, include Google, which has shown interest in Skype in the past, and US telecoms giants AT&T and Verizon.
eBay purchased Skype for USD $2.6bn purchase of Skype in 2005.
In the auction company's financial results for the last quarter of 2008, revenue fell 7 per cent to USD $2.04bn, below market expectations.
Skype has seen revenues rise by 26 per cent.
Skype is also said to be preparing new applications for its VoIP software which could be introduced at next month's Mobile World Congress in Spain.
These are expected to involve a dedicated application for Apple's iPhone, a similar app for the BlackBerry Storm and via an update to Windows Mobile 6.5 itself.
This month, the company introduced Skype lite, a no-frills client meant for Android-powered devices and the many mobile phones that are capable of running Java applications.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
v-Cheap services for Indonesians
Tokbox for free video calling
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Reliance provides free local calls in india
It is offering free minutes on daily basis till three-Six months plus free sms plus talktime and all this at a very cheap rate.This offer is called Customer Experience pack and is available to people living in following states-:
Andhra Pradesh, Chennai ,Gujarat ,Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh-E and Uttar Pradesh-W.
Let me put forward the customer pack for Mumbai people
-:Validity - 6 monthsFirst E-Recharge MRP -
Rs 50Talktime you get - Rs 44.50Special benifit (its great) -
Rs 10/Day (free)Night calling :
Free to local/Intra Circle Reliance GSM & CDMA Mobile
This talktime can be used to make all local calls and to send all local SMS to any network.All unutilised balance given free will be forfeited at the end of the day. The Special benefit of Talktime and night calling is subject to First E-recharge of Rs 50 and will be valid for first 3months.The free minutes and first recharge varies with the states and for some states first recharge MRP is as low as Rs 20.This customer Experience pack by Rcom has left other telecom companies (Airtel, Idea) amazed. We have seen that if one companies bring any new offers in the market, soon the other telecom companies follows with either same or a better offer. But Rcom customer experience pack is a very bold step by Rcom (Reliance is a very big company and they can obviously afford these steps) but it will be very difficult for other companies to match it.I guess this Rcom offer will bring a lot of new customers to Relince. Now many of you might be thinking of switching to Rcom, hey just don't think go for it. Its really a great offer. I would suggest you to buy Reliance new sim (extra sim) as its really cheap and you don't want to miss this one.For our international readers, guys if you are looking for Free calls to India or Cheap calls to Pakistan then just surf the blog, these days voip calling rates are very cheap and I am sure you will find a good deal.
USE VoipBuster - Free Voip Calls To Taiwan, France, Cyprus Etc
Simply click here to download VoipBuster; download only takes a few seconds depending on the speed and quality of the connection.The terms and conditions are pretty much the same as for other Betamax companies gives you.There is long list of countries where you can call freely with this voip provider. Please note down this all can be done only after you buy some credits from Voipbuster.
GET Tabrio and enjoy calls for 10 mins FREE
u jst need to sign up with ur mobile no..after veifying the mobile no u will get 10 mins of calls free here
Voip Software Add ons
VOIP is now a buzz word and we have adopted it to make our life simpler than the normal PSTN telephones. The Top 10 list is widely distributed to accommodate the best of the VOIP add-ons and not heavily focusing any aspect of VOIP softphones.
The following list is put together by the author from his personal experience without any influence--
TOP 10 VOIP Software Add-ons
MorphVOX Add-on 1.1: This funny little utility convert you in a monster. IT enables you to transform your voice into anything from Monster to a girl's voice. You just need to use it while talking over Skype, Yahoo messenger, voipcheap etc. This should work with any software cause it doesn't need any specific compatibility and work seamlessly with VOIP softphone. You only need a microphone. So this will work only with PC 2 Phone calls. So won't work with Jajah :-(
ZFone- This cool add-on to Skype and other VOIP softphone lets you make secure encrypted phone calls over the Internet. Zfone lets you whisper in some one's ear from a thousand miles away. Zfone intercepts VOIP packets and encrypts/decrypts your call giving you maximum security against trojan and VOIP sniffer networks.
Skype Lie-Detector: KishKish Lie Detector, popularly known as Skype Lie detector is a funny utility addon to Skype. The utility analyses audio streams over a Skype call in real time and illustrates the stress levels of the other person. Its' time to call your girlfriend and see if she is really in love (with you?) :-)
SkyQube- Skyqube will enable you to forward calls and messages made to your mobile phone or landline via SkypeOut to another number anywhere in the world. So whether you are travelling or on holiday, you won't miss a thing. Time to forget those massive roaming charges for your mobile.
SoliCall-Want to reduce the backgroud noise during your important interview call ? The solicall is the solution to get on with. Solicall will reduce the background noise and improve your VOIP call clarity.
Jajah Phone Buddy- You guessed it right. An add-on to Jajah VOIP which lets you quickly make calls to contacts in Outlook or Microsoft CRM, Microsoft, Access, Microsoft Outlook, Goldmine, ACT, other CRM and Accounts packages etc.
Vemotion- This software lets you add some spice to your regular plain VOIP conversation. You can send voice emoticons, TTS (text-to-speech) ability., You can record the whole conversation as mp3. Nice solution for taking interview or podcasting.
Pamela for Skype- Your very own personal assistant for Skype and the program is certified by skype. It offers an answering machine, auto-chat reply and many more.I hope this list will help you in making your VOIP experience better. Do let me know, if you have any other plug-in or add-ons to share with others.
FREE voip softwares to try
1) voipbuster [Download]
2) Skype [Download]
3) Raketu
Pros: Raketu is a hip site, combining state-of-the-art communications with the networking style of MySpace and YouTube. Free calls can be made to landlines and mobile phones in 42 countries, which is very impressive. Also, features like live stream television allows for people to chat with their friends about what they are watching together.
Cons: Although seemingly perfect, this site does have some discouraging fine print: you will be required to make a $9.95 deposit into your account when registering before you start making free calls. They do not consider this a membership fee, however, but a “credit” for your new account. Think of it as insurance, should you wish to make a call to a location that isn’t covered by the free plan. It will likely be the only money you will ever have to spend at Raketu.[Download]
4) VoipCheap
Pros: VoipCheap should be more aptly titled “VoipFREE”. Unlike Skype, VoipCheap will allow you to make free phone calls to regular phone lines. This free service also includes many other countries, not just USA and Canada. The software is free to download and simple to start using right away, provided you have a headset or phone ready to plug in.
Cons: While VoipCheap does allow for free calls from your computer to regular phones, there is a weekly limit of 300 minutes per IP address. Watch that limit, or rates will apply to your calls! Should you choose to make a call to a paid destination, VoipCheap does require a very small credit deposit before dialing, not unlike Raketu’s credit system. Although their regular rates are still very cheap, the object here is to call for free.
5) Gizmo
Pros: Like Skype, Gizmo offers free software and free calls to all other Gizmo users. The interface is very user-friendly and the company claims it “is as simple as instant messaging”. A bonus to this service is the “All Calls Free” plan, which states that Gizmo users can call other Gizmo users’ landlines and mobile phones, not just their computers.
Cons: Although Gizmo proudly boasts that users can make free calls to landlines and mobile phones, they really prefer you to make PC-to-PC calls. There are some very tedious (sneaky, some would say) rules to the “All Calls Free” plan at Gizmo. If not used properly, some hidden fees could sneak up on a Gizmo user, which is unfortunate. [Download]
6)Windows Live Messenger
Pros: PC-to-PC calls are always free when made between those who have MSN Messenger installed. VoIP novices may feel more comfortable with a provider like Windows, as the conglomerate is more likely to offer round-the-clock customer service should any problems arise. Also, the interface will look and feel familiar to longtime Windows aficionados.
Cons: There are no drawbacks to their PC-to-PC plan. However, should you decide to pay a low rate to call a landline with your computer, phone calls are limited to five minutes. For some, that is a major deal breaker.
7)WengoPhone intends to circumvent any restrictions that Skype or Gizmo users experience. Their software allows for users to make free PC-to-PC calls to anyone else with compliant software, no matter who their VoIP provider is. This is a very subversive program and many tech-savvy folks are very happy with it.
Cons: The interface is very crude when compared to well-known providers like Skype or Raketu. Likewise, you may find their customer care to be lax when experiencing technical difficulties. Many Wengo users depend on their peers to help with any problems.[Download]
Pros: Level3 is a giant in the business of communications, so many companies will probably adopt their revolutionary VoIP service in the near future. Businesses can now handle all their toll-free calls through VoIP, thanks to Level3, and this is a completely free service. The prospect is a boon for call centers in particular, as well as offices that conduct a lot of conference calls.
Cons: There aren’t any drawbacks to this service to speak of, but it is limited to businesses and probably of no use to individuals making personal calls.[Download]
9) Internetcalls
Pros: Internetcalls is a popular alternative to services like VoipCheap, although they are practically identical. Like VoipCheap, all calls should be free to most destinations. Also, the service is now boasting improved sound quality, which is a relief to those wishing to use it for business purposes.
Cons: If you are a stickler about perfect sound and a short delay, you may wish to go with a larger company for VoIP service. This is a free to cheap program that is mainly used for personal calls, particularly people with friends and family out of the country. A troubleshooting guide can be found at the site, but it isn’t as nice or thorough as a paid providers’ 24-hour, live customer service.[Download]
LotusLive enables business and individuals to collaborate online, making inter-business co-operation easier and more efficient.
Skype functionality on LotusLive will provide seamless, real-time communication via video or voice link.
“We recognize that communications is an integral component of collaboration in an Internet-enabled world and that many small businesses have already adopted Skype,” said Sean Polley, vice president of online collaboration at IBM Lotus.
“This integration will simplify and improve the way businesses interact with their customers and partners.”
LotusLive currently offers two services: Meetings, and Events.
Meetings integrates audio and video conferencing at the cost of $48 to $99 per month depending on participant numbers.
Events helps users manage and host online conferences and webinars. Events costs $99 per month, or 30 cents per minute per guest.
Two other services, Notes and Engage, are yet to be launched.
Some Of the VOIP Threats ( VOIP SECURITY)
VoIP threats come in many forms, including:
- DDoS (distributed denial of service) Attacks: DDoS attacks, although largely viewed as a Web-site threat, can also be used to take down a VoIP system. By flooding a network with useless data — including automatically generated spam calls — attackers attempt to ensure that VoIP calls can't get through or proceed only in a delayed and degraded fashion.
- Snooping: Since some VoIP calls move over the open Internet, they are vulnerable to snooping at various points during their journey. An attacker with network access and a packet-sniffing program downloaded from the Web can monitor and record calls with relative ease. Even inside an enterprise that uses a private backbone, the same sniffing technologies can present a threat.
- SPIT (SPam over Internet Telephone): SPIT is still a largely theoretical threat, but it's one that has the potential to be just as distracting and resource-draining as its email equivalent. Only a handful of SPIT outbreaks have been reported to date, but "legitimate," automatically generated political and credit-card calls are already pushing the limits of acceptability.
- Vishing: The VoIP counterpart to email phishing , vishing attackers target the phone numbers of VoIP users and attempt to lure them into bogus moneymaking schemes or trick them into disclosing credit-card numbers and other vital information. Like SPIT, vishing is not a widespread issue, but it is a growing problem.
- Direct Hacks: Also like data networks, VoIP systems are vulnerable to direct hacks via unsecured "holes" in the system. Fortunately, also like data networks, there are groups watching for these vulnerabilities and pushing fixes out as soon as possible. These are usually system-specific problems, so for example, a new release of Asterisk , the open-source IP PBX platform, might display a vulnerability. Typically, a fix is announced within a couple of days of the vulnerability's discovery.
Security Approaches
Dealing with VoIP threats is a constant, never-ending chore. Since attackers are always devising new ways of breaching VoIP safeguards, it's important that businesses keep on top of the latest threats and adopt fresh measures to counter evolving attacker strategies. Most security experts recommend that VoIP safeguards be blended with the measures that are used to protect a company's existing data network, creating a comprehensive security environment. Common security techniques (which apply to data networks as well as VoIP networks) include:
- Firewall: A firewall is designed to allow or block data flowing into or out of a network. Firewalls are available as stand-alone hardware appliances or as software (typically installed inside a router or a gateway). A firewall can provide services such as stateful inspection (analyzing transactions to ensure that inbound packets were requested) and packet filtering (blocking data from specified IP addresses and ports).
- IDS (Intrusion Detection System): An IDS analyzes incoming data traffic for suspicious types of activity. If it detects something peculiar, the IDS alerts the network administrator, who can then move to halt whatever event (such as a DDoS onslaught) is taking place. A variety of vendors offer IDS solutions with all sorts of capabilities, allowing businesses to find a product that most closely matches their requirements.
- IPS (Intrusion Prevention System): An IPS is similar to an IDS, except that the product is designed to take immediate action — such as blocking a specific IP address or user — rather than simply issuing an alert. Some IPS products also use behavioral analysis to spot and stop potentially dangerous data.
- DDoS Protection: Specific anti-DDoS products from vendors such as Cisco Systems Inc. and Symantec Corp. can quickly detect the start of an attack, filtering out bogus service requests so that legitimate ones can pass through unimpeded.
- VPN (virtual private network): Placing the VoIP infrastructure on its own encrypted VPN "island" can isolate the system from external attacks.
Specific techniques for VoIP security usually focus on the human side of the equation and include:
- SPIT and Vishing Education: Many enterprises take it upon themselves to educate employees and other VoIP system users about SPIT and vishing attacks, as well as to be alert to signs that someone may be trying to tap into the business's phone system.
Fundamentally, there is no difference between VoIP security and the normal security requirements associated with any well-protected data network. In nearly all respects, VoIP, Web and email protection are simply different aspects of a single security issue.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
USE VOIPaX 4 Free calls and SMS Worldwide Guaranteed

This new service was launched recently by betamax or their affiliated company but no mention of betamax on their website. All their services and conditions are just exactly what we are all used to from betamax products like voipbuster, voipcheap etc. Maybe betamax is feeling the heat from complaints about their unethical business methods and therefore decided to launch this product as another company.
Anyway, Voipax is a voip application that lets you send sms and make calls to about 40 countries worldwide for free. The rates for other destinations are quite low too. There are several ways to use voipax, you can download and install the voipax application on your system and make calls with it using your headset or bluetooth earpiece or you can use the Phone-2-Phone features which let you enter your telephone number and the number you want to call and connect both numbers or finally you can configure voipax on your SIP based IP Phone and call directly from it. Whichever way you choose to use voipax you will get very good audio quality and quick call connection.
There are some limitations to using voipax, you have to buy a credit of at least 10 euros for you to enjoy the free calls. Once you have some credit on your account you can call up to 300 minutes per week free for 120 days and you can send 10 free sms per week too. If you have used any of betamax products before then you allready know these conditions by now.
For more information and to download voipax visit
Benefits: Clear voice, You can make calls from your PC. No need to buy any credits from them before making free calls. Allows PC or Phone to intiate call (via Directdial)
Drawbacks: really none.
2) Jajah: I tried jajah about 1 month back and with their FREE minutes i made calls to India. The difference between jajah and other VOIP providers is Jajah only allows you to make calls from your phone. That means You need to give your phone number and your calling party number before you can make a call. When you intiate a call Jajah first connect your phone. You pick up the call and then jajah connects to the other party.
Benefits: No software download needed. Just visit their site. No credits needed for free calls.
Drawbacks: Have to use a legitimate number before calling. Cant use PC to make call.
3) Gizmo : Popularly known as " Skype Killer". This software lets you call anyone in more than 60 countries. The only downside is that you and other party both should be registered with Gizmo and should also register your numbers. I am sure that this project will be successful and in short time the daatabase of people will be built and then its a FREE calling world.
Benefits: Making calls is easier than ever, Killer Application interface,
Drawbacks: Requires both parties to register their numbers with Gizmo.
4) Raketu- Pretty decent service which offers FREE calls to 42 countries. I am rating it higher than VOIPbuster/Discount for the very reason thats its not a clone and it uses a diff technology than skype. Skype uses Supernodes which can be vulnerable to hacking. I covered that issues in my blog earlier. Additionally it integrates with Yahoo, MSN messengers etc.
Benefits: Better technology, Clear Voice, 42 countries FREE, Integrate with other messengers
Drawbcks- Haven't found any yet.
5) VOIPBuster/VOIPDiscount: Both these companies are a total rip-off from VOIPcheap. even their softwares are identical and i wonder they are all one company with different websites and company name. But sorry to say they suck at the voice quality. They offer the same service as
Record your skype, VOIP Calls
Audio Vampire is a shareware program, made by TechnoCraft.
Download the trial version from:
vEmotion is a perfect VoIP audio assistant. It flawlessly record VoIP calls into MP3 or WAV files with data and infos encrypted and password protected. Also add life to your VoIP voice convsations. Enjoyable things include background music, voice emotion (lively audio clips), text to speech that enable you to talk without openning your mouth.
The program is compatible with nearly all VOIP clients, among which Skype, ICQ, Msn/WLM, Gtalk, AIM/AIM Triton/AIM Pro, Yahoo Messenger and QQ were fully tested and explicitly supported. You can tune up all these IM and VOIP clients with single installation of the software.
Skype Recording Options for Windows
KishKish SAM
KishKish SAM Skype plug-in records Skype conversations automatically once the incoming Skype call is answered by you. In an Outgoing Skype call you will need to wait until the call is answered by the other party. The voice recording can be stopped or resumed at any time during the call. [$15.95] [Download]
PowerGramo Recorder for Skype
PowerGramo Free version is a good option if the Skype conversation involves only two persons. The Skype call can be of any duration and will be recorded in the OGG or WAV format. The por version supports Multiple-call people conference recording. PowerGramo will work on older versions of Skype include Skype 1.1 [Free/$19.95] [Download]
HotRecorder for VoIP
Hot Recorder for VoIP is a popular Skype Call recording plugin for the PC. Not just Skype, you can use HotRecorder to record voice conversations from any IM client including Google Talk, AOL AIM, Net2Phone, Yahoo! Messenger or Firefly. The audio recordings can be saved to WAV, OGG or MP3 files. The HotRecorder Voicemail feauture will automatically answer Skype conversations for you. [$14.95] [Download]
Pamela 2.0 Professional
While the basic version of Pamela is free and supports voice and video answering machine, the Pro version supports skype voice recording and can also record Skypecasts, Skype Video and Skype Chats. You can also make a local playable copy of your Skype Voicemail with Pamela Skype addon. Pamela also generates HTML template code for posting the recorded Skype audio and video calls as podcasts or blog entries. [$24.95] [Download]
Total Recorder for Skype
Total Recorder is designed for capturing any streaming audio-video content from the web. Total Recorder records streaming audio directly from systems like Real Player, Windows Media Player, QuickTime and WinAmp. The previous versions of TotalRecorder had issues with recording Skype sessions and CPU usage but they are all sorted now. TotalRecorder is a favorite with Skype users. The resulting recordings may be saved as wav, wma, mp3 or Ogg Vorbis audio files. [$17.95] [Download]
MixCast Live
Designed for podcasters to record interviews over Skype. Not sure if it is supported anymore. [$12.00] [Download]
Although, i have covered many articles about the new alternatives in the market. This one is pretty cool. Its call iCall. It has something unique that many other alternatives doesn't offer. You can call anyone in US & Canada for free using iCall from anywhere in the world.
Anywhere in the world is Outstanding feature. Many other providers want you to be registered or dont provide services to traditional PSTN line countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.
iCall is definately worth trying. If you like the features and service, you might wanna stick around still you have something else. You can download icall from here
For more info on features, please visit their site
This is to inform you all canadians that if you are a existing Rogers Cable Customer, you would get unlimited free long distance calls to Asia on Chinese new year on 25th and 26th January.
You can call china, hong kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore from Jan. 25 8:00am to Jan. 26 8:00am (Local Canada time).
Please note that due to overusage during this promotional perid, often calls don't go through. Let's hope Rogers took extra care of the exceptionally high long distance calls load.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
2009 free voip Provider Qttel
Today we take a look at Qttel.a simple Phone to Phone based VOIP Service which promises to give unlimited free voip to over 50 countries. Thanks to comment on our VOIP Provider of the Year 2008, thats where we discovered about this service, which seem to have changed the name recently. I remember using this service but a non-free version of it.
You must enter your number in international format.
QtTel is however a browser based VOIP service. It askes you to enter your phone number and your party's number and then Call. Qttel will first call you and then call the destination number. The biggest limitation of this service is it only works for 5 countries, Australia (FIX only),Canada (FIX & GSM!),UK (FIX only),Holland (FIX only),USA (FIX & GSM!). That means only people from this country can make calls. Of course if you have a incoming phone numberfrom any of these country you should be able to receive calls from Qttel and of course make free voip calls.
Please note all calls are limited to 5 minutes but it seems you may dial the same number and over and over. Please let us know your feedback on Qttel.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Cheap calls To India Free
LocalPhone, winner of Best Cheap International Call Provider of 2008 award has reduced its calling rates to India even further to 3.3 cents only. I know its not the cheapest but as I always said, the best thing about LocalPhone is their Quality of Service, Prompt Customer Service and ease of use. They provide 66000 local access numbers in over 44 countries around the world. On top of it, they give you Free 5 Local numbers which you can directly forward to any phone number in the world. This feature is completely free, they only charge you for making calls to these numbers at their advertised rate. Trust me this comes in handy. I call home from anywhere in Singapore by just dialing the local number (Free as in included in local calls) and it automatically connects me to India number. No PINS no account numbers to remember.
However, they also provide a calling card in built in your account which you can use anywhere in the world (44 countries). This calling card is assigned to your account and shares the same credit as your localphone account.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Make Free Voip Calls Anywhere
Free calls are just a minute away - download The Free Software now and call regular phones in lots of destinations for free. Simply click the download link below and save the installation file to your computer. After downloading, double click the installer file and you are set to go.
System requirements:
* PC running Windows Vista, XP, 2000 (with SP2)
* 300 MHz processor
* 128 MB RAM
* 10 MB free disk space on your hard drive
* Sound Card, and headset with microphone
* Internet Connection broadband: Cable,
DSL, with minimum 100 kbit/s up/downstream